New research

The program Theology for Family, School and Church has two new studies on questions and experiences of meaning, life orientation and faith.

In both cases, the primary principle is the blurring of the formerly self-evident connection and coordination between the three religious education partners (family, school and parish), as well as the well-known ways of giving shape to religiosity. Today, parents but also schools are faced with the challenge of deciding whether they want to pass on anything in the religious field to the next generation without this embedding, and if so, what and how.

The second principle in both studies is that parents and schools perform their educational and formative tasks within the context of a secularised society that is focused on manufacturability and efficiency and, moreover, religious pluralism. Because of the increasing complexity of this task, the question once again becomes relevant as to how new connections with ecclesiastical life can contribute to the proper fulfillment of the religious-formative task of parents and schools. This research explores the meaning of an inspired and inspiring church for the young generation of educators with their tasks and questions, and vice versa: the inspiring meaning of this generation with its questions for such a church.

Go to: Connecting school and church / Child cradling.